The best alternative sales presentation software

Inspire and inform with
next-generation interactive presentations

Showcase your expertise and demonstrate technical capability with the innovative StiloTouch digital interactive presentation platform – designed to take customer conversation to the next level.

Have you got market-leading technology or products, but unengaging
presentation material? Feeling constrained by linear/inflexible slidedecks which lack dynamic content such as animation, motion graphics or video? We work across Aerospace, Defence and Space, helping businesses to showcase expertise demonstrate their technical capabilities in powerful and innovative ways.

Explore your sector and discover how our expertise delivers deeper engagement:
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Pitchflex takes conventional slide-decks to a whole new level. Bring your innovation alive with flexible interactive content to deliver the ultimate customer experience across:

Customer Presentations
Events and Expos
Brand Asset Management
Global Sales & Marketing Teams
Technology Demonstrations
Stakeholder & Investor Relations
Keynote Speeches
Visitor Tours & Experiences
"We are looking to double our revenues globally over the next 2-3 years. Using Pitchflex will play a huge part in helping us achieve this. It will explain our technology in probably the best way I've ever seen."

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We're excited to demo Pitchflex to you, and will be in touch in the next 48 hours.

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